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Third party requests for data

If you are a private party seeking user data from Lyft, Inc for use in civil proceedings or in criminal proceedings on behalf of a criminal defendant, this page provides information on how to submit civil subpoenas or other third party requests to Lyft, Inc. (“Lyft”) in order to receive prompt responses.
When Lyft receives civil subpoenas or third party requests for user data, we review them very carefully according to applicable state and federal laws. It is Lyft’s policy to notify users before data is disclosed as set forth in our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.
If you are law enforcement seeking user data related to a criminal investigation, please refer to Lyft’s Law Enforcement Request Guidelines for instructions on how to submit law enforcement requests.
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What type of legal process does Lyft require before producing user information?
We review each subpoena or data request for validity, and will reject requests that are not facially and substantively valid. We require requests to be narrowly tailored, and limited in scope. Before making a request, please check to see if the information sought is publicly available or available from a party in the litigation.
In order to make sure your request is valid, please ensure your request contains the following:
  1. A sufficiently narrow time period, and the specific data requested within that time period
  2. A specific identifying reference such as an email or phone number (Names and birthdays are insufficient)
  3. Your contact information (i.e., name and email address and/or phone number)
When we determine that we are required by law to disclose data, we will search for and disclose data that we are reasonably able to locate and retrieve.
Serving civil subpoenas and third party requests
Lyft, Inc. only responds to valid legal requests for user data (including subpoenas and court orders). This means that a subpoena or third party request for data to be used in a civil case must be a valid Federal or California subpoena. Civil subpoenas issued in connection with a state case pending outside California must comply with California’s Interstate and International Depositions and Discovery Act.
You can serve Lyft with the civil request through the appropriate office of Lyft’s registered service agent, CT Corporation Service Company (or “CT Corporation”). The CT Corporation office in California is located at the following address:
C T Corporation System
330 North Brand Blvd., Suite 700
Glendale, CA 91203
For federal civil cases, subpoenas may be served through Lyft’s registered agent for service of process in the state where the federal case is pending or the address provided above.
Subpoenas related to any civil state case should be served on CT Corporation at the California address provided above. Lyft will accept service only if the entity to whom the document is directed matches the name of the entity registered with the Secretary of State. Our acceptance of legal process does not waive any legal objections, rights, or remedies that Lyft may have and may raise in response.
LYFT is unable to accept service by email, fax, or regular mail.
Obtaining information from my own account
Individuals seeking user data through a civil subpoena or third party request may find that a user can directly provide information. We email users a receipt after each trip with detailed information including: date, time, pickup and drop off locations, route, distance, duration, fare breakdown, method of payment, and user names.
In addition, a user may access their account at any time. To find out more on how to access your information, please visit our privacy homepage.
See also:

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