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Nearby public transportation options

In select cities, you can view nearby public transportation options in the 'Transit' section of the Lyft app's home screen.
With Transit, you can easily combine public transport options with Lyft rides.
The Transit feature is only available in certain cities and to certain users at this time. We hope to release this feature to all passengers soon.
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How it works
Suggested transit lines are based on nearby stops. Our Transit feature works with buses, trains, ferries, and more.
Transit arrival times are based on the transit vehicle’s real-time location, which is provided by the transit agency. If real-time vehicle location data isn’t available, the app uses scheduled times provided by the transit agency.
Lyft isn’t responsible for the sale or purchase of transit tickets. Contact your local transportation agency for any questions about payments or public transit experiences. At this time, Lyft credits or coupons cannot be used to pay for rides on public transportation.
How to use Transit
To see transit routes in your area,
  1. Go to the home screen of the Lyft app and tap ‘Bikes.’
  2. Using the map filters, tap ‘Nearby Transit’ options from the filter menu. Here, you see transit routes in your area.
  3. Select a transit line to view its stop locations and upcoming departure times.
  4. When you select a transit line, a dotted line will show walking instructions to the transit stop. The light solid line shows where the transit is coming from. The dark solid line shows the direction the transit route is going.

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