Sharing your ride location with friends and family
Your safety is always our top priority. When you ride with Lyft, you can share your ride details and location with friends and family.
When you share your ride details with someone, they'll get a link that shows them the following:
- 您的上车和下车地点
- 您的行程的大致 GPS 位置
- Your driver's name and photo
- 您司机的车辆信息和车牌号码
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Share your location during a ride
To share your location while you're in a ride:
- Tap 'Safety tools' at the bottom of the screen
- Tap 'Share ride details'
If you're ever uncomfortable during a ride, we have safety tools to help. Learn more about getting emergency assistance during a ride.
Set up automatic location sharing
- 打开 app 菜单
- 轻触 "Settings"(设置)
- 轻触“安全工具”
Tap 'Add' near the top of the screen to add contacts to share your ride details with.
You can add up to five contacts in this section. Swipe left on a name and tap 'Delete' to remove someone.
There are three options for automatic sharing:
Every ride
Automatically shares all your rides.
Only rides at night (9 PM-6 AM)
Only shares rides you take between 9 PM and 6 AM.
Never share automatically
You can choose to share your ride details by tapping 'Safety tools' at the bottom of the screen during a ride.
See also: