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How to edit your profile or account

Some parts of your account can be changed in the app, while others require you to reach out to us.
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Profile photo
This is the photo your driver sees when picking you up. Help drivers out by making it look as much like you as possible.
To change your profile photo in the Lyft app:
  1. Open your Lyft app.
  2. Tap 'View account.'
  3. Tap the purple camera icon next to your photo.
  4. Take a new photo or select a saved photo by tapping 'Choose from library.'
    1. If taking a new photo, tap the camera in the bottom right. Tap the check mark.
    2. If choosing a saved photo, tap the photo you want then tap save in the top right.
  5. That's it!
This is the photo your passengers see after they request a ride. Help passengers out by making it look as much like you as possible.
To update your photo in the Lyft Driver app:
  1. In your Lyft Driver app, open the main menu.
  2. Tap ‘Account,’ then tap ‘Personal Info.’
  3. Tap ‘Profile photo.’
  4. Tap 'Add driver photo.' This will replace your current photo once approved.
  5. Select the photo you want to use from your camera roll, or take a new one.
  6. Read the image requirements, then check the box next to ‘I have read the requirements.’
  7. Tap ‘Update.’
Phone number
Got a new phone number or want to use a second phone? Whether you're a rider or a driver, it's important to keep your phone number updated.
For drivers, keeping your phone number updated ensures you keep your ride history and ratings. See How to change your phone number for more.
If you’re a driver, tap ‘Contact Support’ below for assistance in updating your Lyft account name.
If you’re a rider, there are two ways to update your Lyft account name:
  1. The Lyft app: In the app menu, tap 'View account' under your picture, then tap your name to edit and save.
  2. Phone number login: Tap 'Contact Support' below to send us a message. We're happy to change your name for you.
Your first name and last initial will be displayed when giving or requesting a ride.  For example, if your name is John Smith, your name will appear as 'John S.'
Email address
To update your email address in the Lyft app:
  1. Open your app menu.
  2. Tap 'Settings.'
  3. Tap your email address.
  4. Enter the email address you want to use.
  5. Enter the code we send to your email.
To update your email address in the Lyft Driver app:
  1. Open the main menu and tap ‘Account.’
  2. Tap 'Personal info.'
  3. Tap your email address.
  4. Enter the email address you want to use.
  5. Enter the code we send to your email.
You can display your pronouns along with your name in the app.
To add your pronouns in the Lyft app:
  1. Open the menu and tap ‘View profile.’
  2. Tap ‘Edit,’ then tap ‘Pronouns.’
  3. Select your preferred pronouns, then tap ‘Save.’
Your pronouns will be displayed under your name when you request a ride.
To add your pronouns in the Lyft Driver app:
  1. Open the main menu and tap ‘Account.'
  2. Tap 'Personal info,' then ‘Pronouns.’
  3. Select your preferred pronouns to display for passengers.
  4. Tap ‘Save.’
Payment info
Edit or switch your payment methods in the 'Payment' tab of the app or web.
How to sync your contacts
An easy way to search for destinations is by syncing the addresses from your contact list. This way, you can easily find contacts’ addresses when typing their name in the drop-off field.
You can then select the contact so the address will be set as the drop-off location. You can also add or delete a contact address, and it will automatically sync with your device’s contact list. Here’s how:
  1. Tap ‘Search destination’
  2. Tap ‘Import contacts’ at the bottom of the list (this will pop-up if you haven’t yet granted access permission)
  3. Tap ‘Allow’ when prompted to give contacts list access
  4. Now your contacts should appear as search results in the drop-off field when you search by their name or address
  5. Tap a contact name to use the address as a destination
  6. You can also tap on the edit button next to the contact to add or remove an address–that’s it!
Lyft Family
Lyft Family allows you to link accounts with other riders. Your Family members can use a shared payment method to pay for all Lyft rides. You’ll also have access to safety features, including the ability to share ride details (driver details and location tracking).
To create or join a Lyft Family account, go to the Lyft Family home page to get started.
See also:

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