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Lyft app 需要至少 iOS 16 或 Android 7.0 Nougat 才能运行。
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What should I do if my app isn’t working?
App problems are often caused by poor phone connectivity. Connectivity is how strong your phone’s connection is to your cellular network. Learn how to improve your connectivity.
You can solve most app issues by following these steps:
  1. 关闭你的app然后重新打开。
  2. 打开和关闭飞行模式。
  3. Restart your phone.
  4. 卸载并重新安装 app。
Note: If you restart your phone while waiting in an airport queue, you may lose your place. You can miss or decline up to 3 rides before getting placed at the back of the queue.
  1. Update your app and your phone’s software: Out-of-date software can cause performance issues.
  2. Report a problem with the Lyft app: If the app isn’t working as expected and you’ve tried the steps above, you can report an app problem to our support team.
How can I improve my phone connectivity?
  1. App 卡住或没有反应。
  2. You have trouble requesting a ride or logging into the app.
  3. 您无法接受行程请求或结束行程。
  4. 您收到了一个提示,您的手机在连接我们的服务器时出现了问题。
您可以按照以下步骤解决大多数 app 问题:
  1. 关闭你的app然后重新打开。
  2. 打开和关闭飞行模式。
  3. 重启您的手机。
  4. 卸载并重新安装 app。
Note: If you restart your phone while waiting in an airport queue, you may lose your place. You can miss or decline up to 3 rides before getting placed at the back of the queue.
Update your phone settings
Update these settings to improve your reception:
  1. Close any extra apps: The Lyft app might not get enough data to run correctly if you have other apps open.
  2. Turn off Wi-Fi: If your phone auto-connects to a Wi-Fi hotspot, it'll try to run on Wi-Fi instead of data. This slows down your connectivity, so turn off Wi-Fi while you’re using the app.
  3. Turn off Background App Refresh: Some apps check for updates even when you don't have them open. Background App Refresh can drain your data. You can turn it off in your phone’s settings or change it to only refresh on Wi-Fi.
I’m having a problem with my notifications
My notifications aren’t making sound
If you’re having sound problems, these tips might help:
  1. 确保你的音量开到最大,并且手机没有设为静音。
  2. Turn Bluetooth off.
    1. If your sound works when you turn Bluetooth off, you may need to reset the connection between your devices.
  3. 在手机设置中,确保您允许 Lyft App 发出声音通知。
  4. Make sure your app and phone software are both up-to-date.
My notifications are in the wrong language
Lyft is designed to provide voice notifications in English. If you’re hearing notifications in a different language, check two things:
  1. Your phone’s language settings
  2. Your navigation language settings
How to report a problem with the app
如果您仍然遇到困难,请点击本页底部的 '联系我们' 按钮。
  1. A detailed description of the problem
  2. What you’re doing in the app when the problem occurs
  3. 您收到的任何错误信息
  4. Screenshots of the problem (if applicable)
Need help with taking a screenshot?
See also:
