要申请成为亚利桑那州司机,请在线或在 Lyft 司机端 app 提交申请表 –– 可从 App Store (iOS) 或 Google Play 商店下载。要获得驾驶许可,申请者必须符合这些要求。
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成为 Lyft 亚利桑那州司机的要求
使用 Lyft 司机端 App 上传您的文件。要在 App 中添加文件,请在主菜单中轻触“账户”,然后选择“文件”。
Vehicle requirements
Different regions in this state have specific vehicle age requirements. Click here to see if your vehicle qualifies. All vehicles must meet the following criteria:
- 2008年或更新:Flagstaff、Phoenix 和 Tucson
- 2010 or newer: All other cities
- 4个车门
- 5-8 个座位(包括司机驾驶座)
- 非出租车、加长豪华轿车或非伙伴租车计划 (Express Drive) 的租赁车辆
- 未被标记为报废、不可修复、经修复或其他任何等效分类
See if your vehicle qualifies for premium ride types to earn more on each ride.
In select cities, you can rent a car through Express Drive with standard insurance included. Rental vehicles must be rented through the Express Drive program to be approved for use on the Lyft platform.
Driver requirements
- 有效驾照 — 也接受临时或州外驾照
- 25岁或以上
- Pass a driver screening, which reviews your driving history and criminal background check. Learn more about driver screenings.
- Any smartphone that can download and run the Lyft Driver app. See phone software recommendations.
Document requirements
- 司机头像:了解如何拍摄最佳照片。
- 行车执照
- 个人车辆保险
- Arizona vehicle inspection: If your vehicle is older than 10 years; a vehicle condition attestation certifying that your vehicle meets the Arizona vehicle safety and emissions standards for private vehicles if your vehicle is 10 years old or newer. See how to get your inspection.
Arizona vehicle inspection
A notification will be shown in your Driver app letting you know when this is required. Print out this form and bring it to a licensed mechanic.
To prevent delays in the inspection approval process, make sure your inspection meets the following criteria when you upload it in your Lyft Driver app:
- 已通过检验
- 所有字段均已填写
- 与向 Lyft 备案的车辆一致
- 照片中的图像和文字清晰易读
Drivers with vehicles 10 years old or newer may complete a vehicle condition attestation certifying that their vehicle meets the Arizona vehicle safety and emissions standards for private vehicles instead of an annual inspection.
Phoenix vehicle inspection
Drivers in Arizona are required to pass an annual inspection if their vehicle is 10 years or older.
A notification will be shown in your Lyft Driver app letting you know when this is required.
为防止审核过程延误,请在将检查上传到Lyft 司机端 app之前,确保检查符合以下标准:
- Passed inspection.
- 所有字段都已填写。
- The inspected vehicle(s) matches what is on file with Lyft.
- Images and text are clearly legible in the photo.
To upload your inspection form:
- 打开 Lyft 司机端 app 的菜单。
- 轻触“账户”。
- 轻触 'Documents.'
Drivers with vehicles 10 years old or newer may complete a vehicle condition attestation certifying that their vehicle meets the Arizona vehicle safety and emissions standards for private vehicles instead of an annual inspection.
Virtual inspections
- 朋友
- 一分钱
- 你的钥匙
- 您的车辆
- 车辆识别码(在您的行车执照上)
To complete an inspection, you'll need:
- Zoom app。您可以下载手机app并创建一个帐户,或者登录已有的帐户。
- 座位安全带已扣好。
- 前车灯和警示车灯已开启。
- 关闭蓝牙。
- 移动设备电量至少达到 20% 或以上,信号强度或 W-iFi 连接良好。
- 用一分钱硬币来测量轮胎胎面磨损程度。
- A friend. Your virtual appointment includes a brake light inspection. You’ll need a friend or a way to prop up your phone to see the lights.
If you have any questions about virtual inspections, contact Rideshare Mechanic.
司机在司机模式下时必须贴示 Lyft 徽章。Lyft 徽章是 Lyft 的官方商业外观。徽章可以帮助乘客和执法者识别您的车辆。
每当您进入司机模式时,都应将 Lyft 徽章贴示在乘客一侧挡风玻璃的下角。不处于司机模式时,请务必取下徽章。
If you’ve just been approved to drive, you should receive your Lyft emblem shortly. If you didn't get one or need a new one, order one in your Lyft Driver app or Dashboard. While waiting for it to arrive, you may print a temporary emblem.
在亚利桑那州提供行程服务时请务必遵守这些规定,并请密切关注您的电子邮件,及时了解 Lyft 的重要更新信息。
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亚利桑那州适用 Lyft 司机模式标准时间限制。
Annual vehicle inspection
Drivers in Arizona are required to obtain an annual vehicle inspection.
A notification will be shown in your Driver app letting you know when this is required. Print out this form and bring it to a licensed mechanic.
To prevent delays in the inspection approval process, make sure your inspection meets the following criteria when you upload it in the Lyft Driver app:
- 已通过检验
- 所有字段均已填写
- 与向 Lyft 备案的车辆一致
- 照片中的图像和文字清晰易读
Drivers with vehicles 10 years old or newer may complete a vehicle condition attestation certifying that their vehicle meets the Arizona vehicle safety and emissions standards for private vehicles instead of an annual inspection.
Best practices
- Display all required emblems and placards
- 始终随车携带您的驾照和保险文件
- 遵守所有机场规定
- 不得接受路边招手打车
- 对于行程,不得接受现金付款
- 不得在出租车队列中排队候客
Know your insurance
Review Lyft's coverage here.
- 您的迁居日期
- 您的新收货地址
- A clear photo of your vehicle registration*
- A clear photo of your passed inspection form**
*If you were already required to upload your vehicle registration when you became a driver, you do not need to send it in again.