Note: Because of TLC regulations, there’s a waitlist for new drivers in New York City.
本页可以让您了解成为 Lyft 纽约市司机相关的市法规、文件要求和保险范围。
If you're a driver in any other city in New York State, visit this page instead.
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What you need to drive with Lyft in NYC
年满 19 周岁方可在纽约市驾驶。
Use your Lyft Driver app to upload your documents. To add documents in the app, tap 'Account' in the main menu, then 'Documents.'
All vehicle requirements in New York City are governed by the Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC). All vehicles must meet the following criteria:
- 2007 年或之后。
- 成为活跃的TLC车辆持证人。
- 4 doors.
- 5-8 seats, including the driver's .
- 不是出租车、租赁车、加长豪华轿车或街头揽客租赁车。
- 未被认定为报废、不可修复、重建或任何其他类似类别。
Drivers are required to have a valid driver's license. Driver's license can be from any state, as long as you have a current TLC driver license.
New York State registration example
TLC inspection
- 蓝色起步价标贴
- TLC检查证书
TLC driver license
所有司机都必须在 Lyft 司机端 app 中上传一份有效的车辆保险。到期后必须上传新的车辆保险。
Document to update
- FH-1 保险
请在您的 FH-1 到期日前至少提前 1 周让您的车主或车队主人更新保险文件。
FH-1 保险
谁需要它?所有 TLC 车辆的司机(就是您!)
When should I upload my vehicle insurance documents? Before your policy expiration date
New York City driver rules
The following applies to rides in New York City.
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Guaranteed minimum earnings
Trips originating in New York City are covered by the TLC’s Minimum Driver Pay Rules.
Paid sick and safe leave
You’ll accrue one hour of paid sick and safe leave for every 30 hours of rides you give, up to 56 hours per calendar year.
最多 56 小时的累积未用时间将结转到下一年。
You can use paid sick and safe leave once you've accrued at least 4 hours and for the following reasons:
- 身体或心理疾病、受伤或健康问题。这包括需要医学诊断、照顾、治疗或预防性护理。
- 为患有精神或身体疾病、受伤或健康状况不佳的家庭成员提供照顾。这包括家庭成员的医疗诊断、护理、治疗或预防性护理的需求。
- 因为涉及对您或家庭成员的家庭暴力。
- 因涉及对您或家人的性侵或跟踪原因。
- 如果因任何与健康有关的原因,您家庭成员的学校或托付照顾场所被公共机构下令关闭。
To access your paid sick and safe leave, open the Lyft Driver app, then:
- Select your earnings amount.
- Select ‘New York paid sick & safe leave,’ then select ‘Request paid leave.’
- Select the number of hours you want to request.
- Select ‘Request.’
If your requested hours are approved, the payment will be added to your earnings tab.
Note: You must have at least 4 hours accrued to redeem your accrued paid leave.
Only rides given in New York state count towards accruing paid sick and safe leave.
Permanently deactivated drivers are not entitled to paid leave upon deactivation.
Appealing deactivations
- Have been permanently deactivated.
- Haven’t already requested an appeal for the same permanent deactivation.
To appeal a deactivation, open to the Lyft Driver app, then:
- 轻触‘Get help’,然后轻触‘帮助中心’。
- Tap ‘Learn more’ at the top, or tap the article that best describes your deactivation reason.
- 轻触‘联系我们’
Note: You may submit any additional information regarding the deactivation (such as dash cam footage, photos, police reports, etc.).
Once you submit the form, Lyft will review your appeal and determine whether to uphold or overturn your account deactivation.
如果您的账户因多种原因被停用,Lyft 将在一份上诉申请中审查这些原因。
You may only request one appeal for a deactivation decision. If an account deactivation is upheld, no additional appeals will be considered for that account.
Educational payment
Drivers in New York state receive a one-time payment for up to one hour of time spent viewing educational content provided by Lyft. The payment will be $15 per hour or the applicable minimum wage, whichever is higher.
In addition to required breaks and time limits, New York City regulations prohibit drivers from:
- 在 24 小时期限内提供打车行程的时间不得超过 10 个小时。司机可以通过休息 8 个小时来重置 24 小时周期。
- 在一个日历周内提供打车行程的总时长不得超过 60 个小时。
Note: There’s currently a waitlist for drivers in New York City because of TLC regulations. If you’re moving to New York City, or want to switch back in the future, you’ll be added to the waitlist until spots become available.
If you're already a driver in a different state, and you're moving to New York City, send us a message with the following info:
- 与您的 Lyft 账户关联的姓名、电话号码和电子邮件地址
- The city you are currently driving in
- 一张纽约州司机执照的照片