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Driving history requirements

The following states require you to have a US driver's license for at least a year before you can drive with Lyft:
  1. California
  2. Hawaii
  3. Illinois
  4. Massachusetts
    1. At least three years if you're 22 or younger
    2. At least one year if you're 23 or older
  5. Minnesota
  6. Oregon
  7. Pennsylvania
  8. Vermont
We may get an error on your DMV check if the issued date listed on your current driver’s license card doesn't meet these requirements.
This could happen if:
  1. Your license was renewed or reissued in the past year
  2. You recently moved to another state
We'll let you know if your driving record doesn't meet our requirements. You can check your Lyft Driver app for more details.
Uploading proof of driving history
To verify your driving history, we'll need one of the following:
  1. A photo of an older driver's license
  2. A copy of your certified driving record
You can upload either of these in your Lyft Driver app. Once you're done, we'll review your application within one business day.
If you do not have your previous driver’s license, you can get a copy of your certified driving record through your state's DMV website. More information for each state can be found below. Make sure the report includes the original issue date of your license.
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Visit the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. Visit the Alabama DMV website to find a location near you.
Visit the Alaska DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. Visit the Alaska DMV website to find a location near you.
Visit the Arizona DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. Visit the Arizona DMV website to find a location near you.
Visit the Arkansas DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of Arkansas locations to find an office near you.
Request an official copy of your driving record by completing the INF1125 form and mailing it to the CA DMV Headquarters address listed on the form. You can always visit your local California DMV in person with your completed INF1125 form. Visit the DMV website to find a location near you.
Visit the Colorado DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. Visit the Colorado DMV website to find a location near you.
Download a Copy Records Request (form J-23) here. Check the box requesting Regular Driving History, fill in Section 1, and sign the application. Include a copy of identification. You can submit this form in person or by mail. For mail, send the completed form and a $20 check payable to "Department of Motor Vehicles" to: Department of Motor Vehicles Copy Records Unit 60 State Street Wethersfield, CT 06161
Request a Full History of Driver Record from the Delaware DMV. This does not include 3- or 10-year abstracts. The application can be found here. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. Visit the Delaware DMV website to find a location near you.
Visit the Florida DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of Florida locations to find an office near you.
Visit the Georgia DMV website and request a certified copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of Georgia locations to find an office near you.
Visit the Hawaii DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can visit your local Hawaii DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the location here.
Visit the Idaho DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of Idaho locations to find an office near you.
Visit the Illinois DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of Illinois locations to find an office near you.
Visit the Indiana DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of Indiana locations to find an office near you.
Request a certified copy of your official driving record from the Iowa Department of Transportation. Application can be found here. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of Iowa locations to find an office near you.
Visit the Kansas DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of Kansas locations to find an office near you.
Visit the Kentucky DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can also visit your local Kentucky DDL office and request a 5-year driving abstract. See locations.
Visit the Louisiana DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of Louisiana locations to find an office near you.
Visit the Maine DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of Maine locations to find an office near you.
Visit the Online Services section of the Maryland AMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of Maryland locations to find an office near you.
Visit the Massachusetts DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of Massachusetts locations to find an office near you.
Visit the Michigan Secretary of State website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. Schedule a visit now.
Request a PS2502 Form (certified copy and letter to show original issue date of driver's license) from the Dept. of Public Safety - Driver and Vehicle Services. The application can be found here. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of locations to find an office near you.
Visit the Mississippi DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record.
Visit the Missouri DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of Missouri locations to find an office near you.
Visit the Montana DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record.
Visit the Nebraska DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of Nebraska locations to find an office near you.
Complete an IR002 request form and submit to the DMV via postal mail. Make sure to check the "10-year history" box and "Original issue date requested." Ensure that Page 3 includes a notarized signature.
New Hampshire
Visit the New Hampshire DMV website and complete Form DSMV 505. Make sure in Section I to check Box A, in Section III check "License Applications and Letters of Verification," and in Section IV please check the fifth box: "By an employer or its agent or insurer." You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of New Hampshire locations to find an office near you.
New Jersey
Visit the New Jersey DMV website and request a copy of your driving history abstract. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of New Jersey locations to find an office near you. Please be aware that only certain locations can provide driving history abstracts.
New Mexico
Visit the New Mexico DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of New Mexico locations to find an office near you.
New York
Visit the New York DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of New York locations to find an office near you.
North Carolina
Visit the North Carolina DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of North Carolina locations to find an office near you.
North Dakota
Visit the North Dakota DMV website and request a copy of your driving record.
Follow the steps outlined on this page to obtain proof of driving history from Ohio BMV.
Visit the Oklahoma DMV website and request a certified copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of Oklahoma locations to find an office near you.
Visit the Oregon DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of Oregon locations to find an office near you.
Visit the Pennsylvania DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of Pennsylvania locations to find an office near you.
Rhode Island
Visit the Rhode Island DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of Rhode Island locations to find an office near you.
South Carolina
Visit the South Carolina DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of South Carolina locations to find an office near you.
South Dakota
Complete a Clearance Letter application, found here, and submit to MVD. Write at the top of the request: "Need original issue date." Once obtained, it must be notarized. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of South Dakota locations to find an office near you.
Visit the Tennessee DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of Tennessee locations to find an office near you.
Visit the Texas DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of Texas locations to find an office near you.
Visit the Utah DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of Utah locations to find an office near you.
Visit the Vermont DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of Vermont locations to find an office near you.
Virginia: visit the Virginia DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of Virginia locations to find an office near you.
Washington, DC
Visit the Washington, DC, DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of DC locations to find an office near you.
Visit the Washington DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of Washington locations to find an office near you.
West Virginia
Visit the West Virginia DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of West Virginia locations to find an office near you.
Visit the Wisconsin DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of Wisconsin locations to find an office near you.
Visit the Wyoming DMV website and request a copy of your driving record. You can always visit your local DMV in person and request a copy of your driving record. See the list of Wyoming locations to find an office near you.
Use the 'Contact Us' button at the bottom of this page if you need more help with your application.
See also:

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