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Guidelines for public health authorities

The safety of our community is our top priority. We continue to work with Public Health authorities in the United States and Canada to provide information they need in response to infectious disease outbreaks.
The information below outlines how to submit Public Health authority requests for user data and how Lyft responds.
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Lyft Public Health requests
We must have a signed request from the Public Healthy authority to provide user information for the investigation.
The Public Health request should include:
  1. Certification that the Public Health authority legally requires release of the requested records
  2. A brief description of the Public Health concern under investigation
  3. A clear description of the information and the timeframe of the requested records (e.g., the specific date and time of a relevant ride)
  4. Clear information of the subject of the health investigation (the person's email and/or phone number)
Upon receiving a valid Public Health request, Lyft will disclose data as required by law. This may include contact information of users or information about particular rides.
See more details about this in our ​Privacy Policy.
Accepting Public Health requests
We accept service of these requests by email. Requests may be sent by email, including via secure email, to ​​. Once we receive the request, our team will review and respond accordingly.
Notifying individuals of a Public Health request
It's our policy to provide notice to users when producing their information in response to a Public Health investigation unless:
  1. the law prohibits us from doing so
  2. the subject’s Lyft account is at risk and the notice would go to the wrong person, or notice would otherwise be damaging, or would create a safety risk
  3. disclosure or notice is not appropriate or necessary in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
We may provide notice to users after we have provided information to the Public Health authority.
See also:

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