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Tax information for US drivers

When it’s time to file your taxes, you’ll find your tax documents in the 'Tax Center' tab of your Dashboard.
Here are some important things to know:
  1. Your documents will be available by January 31. You can still access your documents in the Dashboard even if your account is deactivated.
  2. Not every driver will receive 1099 forms. If you don’t qualify for a 1099 form, you can reference your Annual Summary instead.
  3. You’ll be able to see which forms you qualify for in your Dashboard. Learn more about which forms you qualify for.
  4. All Lyft drivers can access TurboTax Premium for up to 50% off, depending on your Lyft Rewards tier. You can import your tax info directly into TurboTax by claiming the offer in your Dashboard.
Lyft can’t give tax advice, but we’ll do our best to make it easy for you to file your taxes. If your question isn’t covered here, we recommend talking to a tax professional.
Depending on your Lyft Rewards tier, you can also get access to free or discounted Everlance Starter for all of your mileage and expense tracking needs.
You can claim your discount in the Tax Center of your Driver Dashboard.
Hawaiian drivers only: You may owe Gross Excise Tax (GET) on your gross income. For more info, see Hawaii Tax Information Release No. 2018-01.
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What forms will I need to file my taxes?
When it’s time to file your taxes, you’ll find your tax documents in the ‘Tax Center’ tab of your Dashboard. They’ll be available to download by January 31.
There are three documents that Lyft provides for drivers based on annual earnings:
  1. Annual Summary: All drivers will receive an Annual Summary if they received any earnings during the year. Your Annual Summary isn’t an official tax document.
  2. 1099-K form: Some drivers will receive a 1099-K form depending on how much they earned while giving rides.
  3. 1099-NEC form: Some drivers will receive a 1099-NEC form depending on how much they earned from things like bonuses.
Whether or not you receive any 1099 forms, you can reference your Annual Summary when you file your taxes. It summarizes your earnings and expenses for the year.
How do I know if I qualify for a 1099?
To see which forms you qualify for:
  1. Go to the 'Tax Center' tab in your Dashboard.
  2. Look under 'Documents.'
You’ll see descriptions of each document. The description will let you know whether or not you qualify.
Whether or not you receive any 1099 forms, you can reference your Annual Summary when you file your taxes. It summarizes your earnings and expenses for the year.
Requirements to receive each 1099 form
To receive a 1099-NEC, you must:
  1. Earn $600 or more from non-ride earnings (like referral bonuses).
To receive a 1099-K in most states, you must both:
  1. Earn at least $5,000 in ride payments from passengers
In several states, the threshold to receive a 1099-K is lower. Those states’ requirements are listed below.
Illinois and New Jersey only
To receive a 1099-K in Illinois, you only need to:
  1. Earn at least $1000 in ride payments from passengers
California, Massachusetts, Maryland, Vermont and Virginia only
To receive a 1099-K in these three states, you only need to:
  1. Earn at least $600 in ride payments from passengers
Where can I download my tax documents?
You can download your documents in the ‘Tax Center’ tab of your Dashboard. You can still access your documents in the Dashboard even if your account is deactivated.
To download your documents:
  1. Use the link below to open the ‘Tax Center’ tab in your Dashboard.
  2. Under the ‘Documents’ header, select ‘Download’ to download your Annual Summary or tax forms.
If you can’t log in to your Dashboard, you can follow these instructions to sign back in.
What info does each document include?
There are three documents that Lyft provides for drivers based on annual earnings. Each document gives you different information you can use to file your taxes.
Your Annual Summary
Your Annual Summary is a yearly breakdown of your earnings and related expenses. It also tells you your total number of rides and online miles for the year. Download your Annual Summary here.
Ride payments are the total amount passengers paid for the rides you gave. This includes:
  1. Ride payments
  2. Tips
  3. Toll reimbursements
  4. Cancellation fees
  5. Lyft’s platform fees
  6. Third-party fees and taxes
Since this amount includes fees and taxes, it’ll generally be higher than what you received in your bank account.
Non-ride earnings include any earnings you made from bonuses or other non-ride earnings.
Expenses include fees and tolls:
  1. Lyft’s platform fees
  2. Service fees
  3. Third-party fees and taxes
  4. Express Pay fees
  5. Express Drive rental fees
  6. Tolls
You may be able to deduct these as business expenses while filing.
1099-K forms
Box 1 on the 1099-K shows the total amount passengers paid for the rides you gave this year. This dollar amount includes fees and taxes your passengers paid.
The 1099-K doesn’t list your earnings from things like bonuses. You can use ‘Non-ride earnings’ on your Annual Summary to calculate this information.
Here’s what you need to know about receiving a 1099-K:
  1. You’ll only receive a 1099-K form if you earned more than $5,000 from ride payments.
  2. In several states, the threshold to receive a 1099-K is lower. Those states’ requirements are listed below.
  3. If you didn’t receive a 1099-K form, you can use ‘Ride payments’ on your Annual Summary to calculate your earnings.
Illinois and New Jersey only
To receive a 1099-K in Illinois, you only need to:
  1. Earn at least $1000 in ride payments from passengers
California, Massachusetts, Maryland, Vermont and Virginia only
To receive a 1099-K in these three states, you only need to:
  1. Earn at least $600 in ride payments from passengers
1099-NEC forms
The 1099-NEC form reports the amount you earned outside of giving rides. This includes all bonus payments, such as referral bonuses or Streak Bonuses.
The dollar amount in Box 1 includes all your earnings that aren’t related to passenger payments.
The 1099-NEC doesn’t list your earnings from ride payments. You can use ‘Ride payments’ on your Annual Summary to calculate this information.
Here’s what you need to know about receiving a 1099-NEC:
  1. You’ll only receive a 1099-NEC form if you earned $600 or more from non-ride earnings.
  2. If you didn’t receive a 1099-NEC form, you can use ‘Non-ride earnings’ on your Annual Summary to calculate your bonuses.
I need income verification
Lyft can’t verify income because drivers are classified as independent contractors (gig workers) and not employees.
Since drivers aren’t employees of the company, Lyft can’t provide:
  1. Pay stubs.
  2. Income verification.
  3. Employment verification.
Proof of yearly earnings
If you need proof of what you earned in a previous year, you can use your Annual Summary.
  1. Go to your Dashboard.
  2. Select the ‘Tax Center’ tab.
  3. Select ‘Documents,’ then select ‘Download.’
Proof of recent earnings
If you need earnings info from previous weeks or months, you can use your weekly summaries.
Weekly summaries are available on Thursday.
To download PDFs of your weekly summaries:
  1. Open your Dashboard menu, then select 'Driving history.'
  2. Select the week you’re looking for.
  3. Select ‘Download weekly summary.’
Discount on TurboTax Premium
We’re partnering with TurboTax to give Lyft drivers a special discount, which you can access through your Dashboard.
This tax season, all drivers get 25% off when filing with TurboTax federal products.
If you're a Platinum or Elite driver, you get 50% off of TurboTax Premium and TurboTax Live Premium (with expert help).
State filing charges and Terms apply. To learn more, click the offer below
Note: You must access TurboTax through your Dashboard to get the discount.
If you go to TurboTax directly through their website, you won't get the discount. Lyft can't reimburse you for any charges from TurboTax.
Discount on Everlance Starter
We're partnering with Everlance to help with logging your miles and expenses for easy savings during tax season.
Depending on your Lyft Rewards tier, you may qualify for a free Everlance Starter membership.
You can claim your discount in the Tax Center of your Driver Dashboard.
The discount amount on your Everlance Starter membership depends on your Lyft Rewards tier.
  1. Silver and Gold drivers receive up to 40% off mileage and expense tracking services.
  2. Platinum drivers receive up to 60% off mileage and expense tracking services.
  3. Elite drivers receive free mileage and expense tracking services.
I received a B notice from the IRS
If the tax info you gave the IRS doesn’t match what you gave Lyft, you’ll receive a Backup Withholding Notice (B notice). You can view your B Notice  in the ‘Tax Center’ tab of your Dashboard.
You’re required to correct your tax details on file with us, or 24% of your earnings may be withheld and sent to the IRS.
Making this correction with Lyft is easy.
You can read how to fix your B notice in the sections below. Here are the basics:
  1. B notices are usually caused by a typo in the tax details you provided to Lyft. In most cases, you can update your tax details online.
  2. If this is your second B notice, you’ll need to upload specific documentation in the Tax Center of your Dashboard.
  3. Once you update your info, it may take up to 2 weeks for the update to be processed.
  4. You won’t be able to use Express Pay or Lyft Direct if there’s backup withholding on your account.
Lyft doesn’t provide tax advice. For any questions about your B notice, we recommend talking to a tax professional.
What to do if this is your first B notice
You can resolve your B notice by correcting your tax details in the ‘Payout Information’ tab of your Dashboard. You should update your tax details to match what the IRS has on file for you.
Once you update your info, it may take up to two weeks for the update to be processed.
If your tax classification is an individual or single member LLC:
  1. Enter your full name as it appears on your Social Security Card (including any middle names).
  2. Enter your Social Security Number or ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number).*
  3. Address you will use on your personal tax return.
*This information should exactly match what is on your Social Security card if you’re using your SSN, or should match your IRS documentation from when you were issued your taxpayer identification number if using your ITIN. 
If your tax classification is a Corporation or LLC, you will enter:
  1. Full business name that is associated with your EIN.
  2. Employer Identification Number (EIN).*
  3. Current business address.
*This information should match your IRS documentation from when you were issued your business name and EIN (EIN 147C Letter). 
What to do if this is your second B notice
If you’ve received a second B notice, you’ll need  to upload documentation to verify your information.
The ‘Tax Center’ tab in your Dashboard will give you instructions on where and how to upload.
Once you upload your documents, it may take up to 2 weeks for the update to be processed.
If you're classified as an individual, upload either one of the following:
  1. A copy of your Social Security Card OR
  2. A letter from your local Social Security Administration showing your Social Security number
If you're operating under a corporation/LLC, upload this document:
  1. A completed Letter 147C from the IRS
You should also make sure the tax information in your account is up-to-date and matches what the IRS has on file for you.
See also:

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