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If you're a driver (or are applying to drive) in Seattle, King County, or Tacoma, visit this page instead.
本页介绍了成为 Lyft 华盛顿州司机相关的车辆、司机和文件要求、州法规、保险范围和城市具体的要求。
To sign up to drive in Washington, submit an application online or in the Lyft Driver app –– download it from the App Store (iOS) or the Google Play store. To be approved to drive, applicants must meet these requirements.
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What you need to drive with Lyft in Washington
If you're a driver in Seattle, King County, or Tacoma, visit this page instead.
使用 Lyft 司机端 App 上传您的文件。要在 App 中添加文件,请在主菜单中轻触“账户”,然后选择“文件”。
Vehicle requirements
  1. 2009年或以后
  2. 4个车门
  3. 5-8 个座位(包括司机驾驶座)
  4. 未被标记为报废、不可修复、重建或任何其他等同分类
  5. 非出租车、加长豪华轿车或非伙伴租车计划 (Express Drive) 的租赁车辆
See if your vehicle qualifies for premium ride types to earn more on each ride.
In select cities, you can rent a car through Express Drive with standard insurance included. Rental vehicles must be rented through the Express Drive program to be approved for use on the Lyft platform.
Driver requirements
  1. 有效驾照 — 也接受临时或州外驾照。
  2. 您必须年满 25 岁方可驾驶。
  3. Pass a driver screening, which reviews your driving history and criminal background check. Learn more about Washington's background check standards.
  4. Any smartphone that can download and run the Lyft Driver app. See phone software recommendations.
Document requirements
  1. Driver profile photo: Learn how to take the best photo
  2. Personal vehicle insurance. The following insurance types are not accepted:
    1. For-Hire insurance.
    2. 商业保险。
    3. 商业保险。证书。
    4. Declaration page.
  1. 租车保险
  2. 商业保险
  3. 商业保险证书
  4. 声明页
TNC Driver Fitness Self-Certification
华盛顿州驾驶员必须自我证明身体和精神状况适合驾驶。您可以打开 App 中的主菜单,点击“账户”,然后点击“文件”,进行自我认证。
Drivers are encouraged to display the Lyft emblem while in driver mode. The Lyft emblem is Lyft’s official trade dress. It helps passengers and law enforcement identify your vehicle.
显示在前挡风玻璃上放置 Lyft 徽标的位置。
每当您进入司机模式时,都应将 Lyft 徽章贴示在乘客一侧挡风玻璃的下角。不处于司机模式时,请务必取下徽章。
Lyft 徽标图片。
If you’ve just been approved to drive, you should receive your Lyft emblem shortly. If you didn't get one or need a new one, place an order in your Lyft Driver app or Dashboard. While waiting for it to arrive, you may print a temporary emblem.
在华盛顿州提供打车服务时请务必遵守这些规定,并请密切关注您的电子邮件,及时了解 Lyft 的重要更新信息。
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In Washington, Lyft’s standard time limit for driver mode applies.
Washington background check standards policy
如果背景调查结果显示以下内容,华盛顿州的个人可能不符合在 Lyft 平台上驾驶的条件:
  1. More than three minor driving violations in the last three years, such as:
    1. Traffic light violations
    2. 轻微超速罚单
    3. Minor traffic violations
    4. Non-injury accidents
  2. One major driving violation in the last three years, such as:
    1. Driving while license is suspended or revoked
    2. Serious speeding violations
    3. Failure to stop at scene of accident
  3. One serious driving violation in the last seven years, such as:
    1. 鲁莽驾驶
    2. 肇事逃逸
    3. Racing
    4. 受伤事故
    5. 试图逃避执法
    6. 在酒精或药物影响下驾驶或拒绝接受化学检测
  4. Any of the following criminal convictions in the last seven years:
    1. 特定毒品犯罪
    2. Felony drug offenses
    3. Fraud
    4. Theft
    5. Property damage
    6. 妨碍相关违法行为
  5. Any of the following criminal convictions at any time:
    1. Homicide (murder, manslaughter, unintentional killing)
    2. 恐怖主义和恐怖威胁
    3. Serious obstruction of justice (treason, violation of protection order, failure to register as a sex offender, escape)
    4. 严重盗窃和财产犯罪(抢劫、入室盗窃、劫车、纵火)
    5. 任何性犯罪(强奸、性侵犯、卖淫、儿童色情)
    6. Assault offenses (battery, strangulation, domestic violence)
    7. 暴力扰乱行为
    8. Child and elder abuse (abandonment, endangering welfare of children)
    9. 骚扰违法行为(敲诈勒索、仇恨犯罪、跟踪、威胁)
    10. Kidnapping offenses (abduction, false imprisonment, human trafficking)
    11. 武器犯罪
    12. Organized crime
    13. 企图、共谋、教唆或从犯上述任何罪行
  6. Any outstanding or unresolved criminal proceeding, the conviction for which would result in disqualification
  7. 任何未执行或未解决的逮捕令
Washington Paid Sick Time
In compliance with Washington TNC laws, you will earn paid sick leave when you perform rides within the state of Washington. You will accrue one hour of paid sick time for every 40 hours spent driving with a passenger in the state.
You may use paid sick time for the following reasons:
  1. 身体或心理疾病、受伤或健康问题。这包括需要医学诊断、照顾、治疗或预防性护理。
  2. Provide care for a family member with a mental or physical illness, injury, or health condition. This includes the need for a family member’s medical diagnosis, care, or treatment or preventative care.
  3. 关于您或家庭成员遭受家庭暴力的原因。
  4. 与针对您或家庭成员的性侵或跟踪相关的原因。
  5. 如果因任何与健康有关的原因,您家庭成员的学校或托付照顾场所被公共机构下令关闭。
During a deactivation or other status that prevents you from performing services on the platform, subject to some exceptions.
Paid sick time eligibility
At this time, only drivers who give rides in Washington are eligible for paid sick and safe time. Drivers may use paid sick time during a deactivation, unless they have been deactivated due to a verified allegation of sexual and/or physical assault.
Redeeming accrued paid sick time
  1. Go to your Lyft Driver app.
  2. 在屏幕顶部轻触美元金额。
  3. Scroll to the bottom, and tap ‘Washington Paid Sick Time.’
You can request paid sick time once enough hours accrue.
要兑换您的累积病假时间,您必须至少有 4 小时的累积病假时间。每小时的带薪病假价值是你在过去 12 个月内的总收入除以你为乘客服务的总时间。您可以以 4 小时为单位兑换,最多可兑换完累积带薪病假时间余额。
Workers compensation
Washington drivers are covered by the state workers’ compensation system as a “covered worker” like many other workers in the state. Under the program, Washington drivers will have access to insurance for injuries sustained while picking up and driving with a rider.
As a part of the workers’ compensation program, a small percentage of earnings for rides in Washington will be deducted and paid into the system, just like any other covered worker in Washington. Learn more about the program.
Minimum rates for Washington
For all trips that begin in Washington, drivers will earn the greater of $3.37/trip OR $0.38/min + $1.31/mile, regardless of whether the trip ended within Washington.
For trips starting outside of Washington, these same rates will apply for the portion of the trip that happened within state limits.
For trips that begin within the City of Seattle, drivers will earn the greater of $5.81/trip OR $0.66/min + $1.55/mile regardless of whether the trip ended within the City limits or not.
Note: If you rent a vehicle through Express Drive, you’ll be subject to a $0.17 per mile deduction (or $0.44 per mile for City of Seattle rides) for any Lyft rides given using the rented vehicle. The deduction may reduce your earnings below the minimum compensation requirements set forth under Washington law.
Cancel policy for Washington
Our cancel policy for drivers applies in Washington. You’ll also need to follow the correct steps for pickups to receive a cancellation fee.
  1. 当您到达乘客的上车地点时点击以表示到达。
  2. 请在乘客的上车地点等待。
  3. 请在乘客上车后,再轻触确认乘客已上车。
If there’s a driver conduct issue, you may not receive a cancellation fee.
Washington no-show fees
  1. Tap to arrive at the pickup location.
  2. 在倒数计时器变为 0:00 之前,请一直在上车地点等候乘客。
  3. 如果乘客联系您,请及时回应。
  4. 点击“乘客爽约”以取消行程,然后点击“确认爽约”。
Drivers won't get a no-show fee if they're too far from the pickup location.
Preferred Language Translations - Notice of Rights / Deactivations
Select your preferred language to view each Notice of Rights document:
Suggested best practices
  1. Display all required emblems and placards
  2. 始终随车携带您的驾照和保险文件
  3. 遵守所有机场规定
  4. 不得接受路边招手打车
  5. 对于行程,不得接受现金付款
  6. 不得在出租车队列中排队候客
Know your insurance
Review Lyft's coverage here.
Moving to or from Washington
If you're already a driver in a different state, and you're moving to Washington, send us a message with the following info:
  1. 您的迁居日期
  2. 您的新收货地址
  3. 行车执照的清晰照片
If you're a driver in Seattle, King County, or Tacoma, visit this page instead.
