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Get help for a ride
We hope that all rides are seamless, but sometimes things go wrong. You can dispute a ride charge instantly, and report anything we should know about a ride or a driver.
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Upfront pricing
当你叫车时,Lyft App 会显示行程的预估车费。车费可能会根据以下情况有所不同:
  1. 行程类型。
  2. 时间。
  3. 路况。
  4. 司机空闲情况。
  1. 在请求行程前延迟10 秒或更长时间。
  2. 请求行程后,目的地或停靠点已更改。
  3. 比预估时间更长或更短的行程。
  4. One or more applicable fees, such as Wait Time and Stop fees.
  5. 企图滥用 Lyft 平台。
  6. 已添加小费。
Lyft 车费是根据行程路线和行程类型,以及行程的可用性和需求来决定的。当你所在地区有许多乘客同时叫车时,行程价格可能会比平时高。你可以预期在通勤时间、城里的大型活动以及恶劣天气时需求会增加。
Fare estimates
Lyft shows you fare estimates before you request a ride, so you know what to expect. To calculate the cost of your next Lyft ride, enter your pickup and drop-off location into the app before requesting a ride.
Included fees
  1. Lyft fare: Based on ride route, ride type, ride availability, and demand.
  2. Tolls: Covers any tolls your ride passes through.
  3. Service fee: Flat amount based on the region.
  4. Third-party fees: Includes any local fees like rideshare taxes, surcharges, and airport fees.
'Pending' charge
A Lyft transaction marked as ‘pending’ isn't a charge. ‘Pending’ transactions are temporary authorizations from the Lyft app to make sure your payment method works.
Once your bank provider processes the transaction, the temporary authorization will either disappear completely or appear as a refund within 5-7 business days.
  1. 创建 Lyft 账户。
  2. Request a ride.
  3. 更新您的付款方式
  4. 更改你的目的地。
  5. 在您的行程中添加一个中途停靠点。
  6. 租赁 Lyft 单车或滑板车
The temporary authorization amount depends on the ride cost, region, and selected ride type. Once your payment method is successfully charged, Lyft immediately releases the temporary authorization.
However, your bank may take 5–7 business days to release temporary authorizations on your account.
Payment frequency
If your payment frequency is set to daily, you’ll pay once for all your rides that day. This simplifies your charges while giving you the same cost breakdown for each ride.
For example, if you take a ride to work for $25, then back to your house for $15, you’ll be billed one time for $40. You’ll still see the cost breakdown for each ride in your receipt.
在 app 的“行程历史”选项卡中查看所有最终行程费用(单独或合并)。
You now have the option to receive either:
  1. 一天内多次乘车的一次最终收费。
  2. 每次行程后的单独收费。
此功能不适用于企业账户或通过 PayPal、Venmo、Cash App 或在线银行支付的行程。
Opting out
  1. Open the Lyft app’s main menu, then tap ‘Payment.’
  2. 点击“付款频率”。
  3. 选择您偏好的付款频率。
Resolving charge issues
If you see multiple charges, overcharges, or unrecognized charges, follow the instructions below to resolve.
Note: A backup payment method may be charged if your default payment method fails.
Finding ride charges on your bank statement
The description of a final charge on your bank statement includes the number of rides taken and the charge date. The transaction will look like this: Lyft *3 rides 3/16
A Lyft transaction marked as ‘pending’ isn't a charge. ‘Pending’ transactions are temporary authorizations from the Lyft app to make sure your payment method works.
Once your bank provider processes the transaction, the temporary authorization will either disappear completely or appear as a refund within 5-7 business days.
  1. 创建 Lyft 账户。
  2. Request a ride.
  3. 更新您的付款方式
  4. 更改你的目的地。
  5. 在您的行程中添加一个中途停靠点。
  6. 租赁 Lyft 单车或滑板车
The temporary authorization amount depends on the ride cost, region, and selected ride type. Once your payment method is successfully charged, Lyft immediately releases the temporary authorization.
However, your bank may take 5–7 business days to release temporary authorizations on your account.
您可以在 App 的“行程历史”选项卡中查看所有最终行程费用(单独或合并)。
Charged for a ride I canceled
  1. 司机接受您的行程后超过 30 秒。
  2. 司机到达后。
  3. 在 15 分钟内完成 3 次或更多行程。
Note: You can cancel a ride within the first 5 minutes after pickup if someone else took your ride or if there’s another critical issue.
If you request a ride for someone else, you’ll be charged any cancel or no-show fees for that ride.
For Lyft Scheduled rides, we may charge a cancellation fee if:
  1. 您在接载时间前1小时内取消了行程,并且已经有司机匹配。
  2. The driver is on their way to pick you up.
  3. 司机预计会在预定时间前抵达上车地点。
Charged for a ride the driver canceled
  1. 已到达上车地点。
  2. 等待的时长达到或超过了指定时长。
  3. 尝试联系您,或者您联系了您的司机。
Shared payment methods
If your payment method is on a family account or was added to a friend’s Lyft account, following up with friends or family is the only way to resolve the issue.
Dispute unfamiliar ride charges
To dispute a charge:
  1. Open the Lyft app’s main menu.
  2. Tap the ‘Ride history.’
  3. 轻触您需要帮助的行程。
  4. Tap ‘Get help’ at the bottom of the screen.
