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This page provides information about vehicle, driver, and document requirements, state regulations, insurance coverage, and city-specific requirements, needed to drive with Lyft in the state of Portland.
If you drive or are applying to drive in any other city in Oregon, see Oregon state driver requirements.
To apply to drive in Portland, submit an application online or in the Lyft Driver app –– download it from the App Store (iOS) or the Google Play store. To be approved to drive, applicants must meet these requirements.
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What you need to drive with Lyft in Portland
使用 Lyft 司机端 App 上传您的文件。要在 App 中添加文件,请在主菜单中轻触“账户”,然后选择“文件”。
Vehicle requirements
  1. 2009年或以后
  2. 4个车门
  3. 5-8 个座位(包括司机驾驶座)
  4. 非出租车、加长豪华轿车或非伙伴租车计划 (Express Drive) 的租赁车辆
  5. 未被标记为报废、不可修复、经修复或其他任何等效分类
Portland drivers are required to keep a fire extinguisher, first aid kit, and phone mount in their vehicle.
You’ll  need to have these three items at the time of inspection in order to pass. These items will be available for purchase at our approved third-party inspection locations.
See if your vehicle qualifies for premium ride types to earn more on each ride.
In select cities, you can rent a car through Express Drive with standard insurance included. Rental vehicles must be rented through the Express Drive program to be approved for use on the Lyft platform.
Driver requirements
  1. 有效驾照 — 也接受临时或州外驾照
  2. 25岁或以上
  3. 1 年或以上的连续驾驶历史
  4. Pass a driver screening, which reviews your driving history and criminal background check. Learn more about driver screenings.
  5. Any smartphone that can download and run the Lyft Driver app See phone software recommendations.
  6. No more than 1 minor violation on your DMV check within the past 12 months
Document requirements
Acceptable temporary registration documents in Portland: 
If you're waiting for your permanent registration, we accept the following temporary documents. Select a document to see an example image.
Portland insurance requirements 
波特兰司机必须随车携带 TNC 保险的非数字副本。请在此处打印保险副本
TNC 司机无需购买或持有提供 TNC 保险的保单。TNC 提供的保险并不包含 TNC 下属司机适用的碰撞险,TNC 提供的保单中明确说明的情况除外。
若司机使用的车辆与 TNC 有关联,则其个人保险可能会被取消或无法提供赔付。TNC 提供的保险主要为第一美元保险,TNC 保单中明确说明的情况除外。
Lyft 司机不会因获得 TNC 个人保险,而从 Lyft 获得任何物质利益或任何形式的奖励。自 2016 年 1 月 2 日起,在美国有一年驾驶经验即可满足对 Lyft 申请者驾驶经验的最低要求。
Vehicle inspection
First-time applicants must complete an inspection at one of our certified locations. You can find an inspection location in your Lyft Driver app.
Print this form and bring it to the inspection.
完成后,请将您的检查表上传至 Lyft 司机端 app。
To upload your inspection form:
  1. 打开Lyft 司机端 app 的菜单。
  2. 轻触“账户”。
  3. 轻触 'Documents.'
检查在标明的到期日期之前有效。如果没有标明到期日期,Lyft 将要求在检查日期一年后进行新的检查。
All Portland drivers must apply for a City of Portland Business License, on the City of Portland Revenue Division website.
For new applicants: For detailed instructions on how to get your City of Portland Business License, visit our Portland Business License How-To Guide.
For existing drivers: For detailed instructions on how to get your new City of Portland Business License number, visit our Guide to getting your new Portland Business License number.
华盛顿州温哥华市要求在本市营业的任何个人或实体必须取得市营业执照。如果所营业务符合本市非盈利标准或其他豁免标准之一,例如在本市年收入总额预计低于 $12,000,则可免缴市营业执照费。截至 2017 年 3 月 16 日,本市已停止接受用于申请免缴营业执照费及相关费用的豁免清单确认表 (Determination of Exemption Checklist)。
The city is partnered with the Washington State Business Licensing Service (BLS) for the handling of its city business licenses – including those that are exempt from paying city business license fees. Directions to apply for the license, online or on paper, are found at For assistance with the application process, please contact BLS by phone (800-451-7985) or email (
Note: If you estimate generating less than $12,000 in average annual gross receipts in Vancouver city limits, you can select to be exempt from city business license fees when completing the City Addendum portion of the application. You'll still be charged a non-refundable state application fee (currently $19).
Portland For-hire Driver Permit
The City of Portland requires all drivers to obtain a Portland driver permit. Drivers are required to display these permits in their vehicle in a location visible to riders at all times while operating as a Lyft driver. The City of Portland will automatically process a permit for a driver after they are approved on the Lyft platform. No action is required by the driver.
A permanent driver permit will be mailed to the shipping address associated with the driver’s Lyft account. If you have not received your permit in two months, please contact PBOT Private For-Hire Transportation at 503-823-7483.
不贴示波特兰司机许可证属于 D 类违规行为,将依据《私人出租运输交通规章》(Private For-Hire Transportation Regulations) 第 16.40.930 章中的条款进行处罚。
Portland drivers must successfully complete the Portland City Quiz training.
Take the quiz under the 'Tutorials' tab in the Lyft Driver app or Dashboard. After completing the quiz, submit your quiz score percentage in the 'Portland City Quiz' field in the 'Documents' tab of the Lyft Driver app.
Emblem requirements
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Lyft 商业外观徽章
波特兰当地法律要求,司机在处于司机模式时必须贴示两个 Lyft 徽章:一个贴在前挡风玻璃上,另一个贴在后挡风玻璃上。请参见下图了解位置指示。如果未贴示 Lyft 徽章,可能会导致罚单或罚款,因此请务必在每次提供 Lyft 打车服务时都贴示这些徽章。
Heads up: Drivers must also clearly write their Portland Business License number on each trade dress emblem they display.
Lyft 徽标图片。
After you’re approved to drive, your Lyft emblems will arrive within 1-2 weeks. If you didn't get your emblems or need new ones, place an order in your Lyft Driver app or Dashboard. You can also print temporary emblems while waiting for the official ones to arrive.
在任何俄勒冈州机场提供 Lyft 行程时,请始终贴示 Lyft 徽章。
如果您要在机场提供非 Lyft 行程,请务必在进入机场之前取下 Lyft 徽章。
在波特兰提供打车服务时请务必遵守这些规定,并请密切关注您的电子邮件,及时了解 Lyft 的重要更新信息。
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Hourly driver mode limits
See Lyft's mandatory break and time limits for more information.
Required Compliance materials
  1. TNC vehicle insurance: Keep a physical copy of your TNC vehicle insurance in your vehicle's glove box.
  2. Phone mount: We're all about safety. Your phone mount makes it easier to keep your hands on the wheel, and your eyes on the road.
  3. 灭火器和急救箱:请将这两件物品放在后备箱中以防紧急情况。
Distracted Driver law
自 2017 年 10 月 1 日起,俄勒冈州的分心驾驶法生效。此项法律适用于州内的所有司机。在此了解更多详情
Accident reporting in Portland
City of Portland regulations require that drivers on the Lyft platform report any accidents to both Lyft and the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) within 24 hours at 503-823-5185.
您也可以在线报告事故,方法是访问 PBOT 网站,并在页面左下角选择“File a Vehicle Crash Report”(提交车辆碰撞报告)。
Portland regulations allow for random field audits at any time. Keep all required compliance documents with you to ensure you’re prepared in case a Portland enforcement officer requests to see them.
Best practices
  1. 显示所有必要的徽章和许可证
  2. 始终随车携带您的驾照和保险文件
  3. 遵守所有机场规定
  4. 不得接受路边招手打车
  5. 对于行程,不得接受现金付款
  6. 不得在出租车队列中排队候客
Review Lyft's coverage here.
If you're already a driver in a different state, and you're moving to Portland, contact us with the following info:
  1. 您的迁居日期
  2. 您的新收货地址
  3. 您的行车执照的清晰照片。如果您在成为司机时已应要求上传行车执照,则无需再次提供。
