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How to request a ride

Riders can request rides through the Lyft app.
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Requesting rides in the app
Once you’ve downloaded the Lyft app and created an account:
  1. Tap ‘Search destination’ and enter your drop-off location
  2. Select your preferred ride type. You can learn more about different types of rides at Lyft ride types overview.
  3. Tap ‘Select Lyft’
  4. Confirm or change your pickup location before tapping ‘Confirm and request’
Once you've enabled GPS locating in your phone settings, the Lyft app will automatically set your current address as the ‘pickup’ location.
To add an extra stop during a ride, tap the ‘+’ icon next to the listed addresses at the top of the ride screen.
If you’re making a stop or going to leave the car for more than 5 minutes, ask the driver to end the ride. Then, request a new ride when you’re ready to go to your next destination.
Gate codes
If your driver needs a gate code to get to your pickup location, you have the option to input the gate code before being picked up.
Add your gate code in the pickup notes when requesting a ride, or by tapping “Share gate code” on the gray banner while waiting for your driver. This banner will disappear when the driver arrives at the gate.
If you didn’t enter the code in the pickup notes or banner, you can tap the phone icon to contact your driver and provide the gate code.
Airport rides
You can select ride preferences to personalize your ride to or from the airport. This is available for all ride types.
The preferences you can select include:
  1. Vehicle temperature
  2. Quiet ride
  3. Help with luggage
To select your preferences, tap ‘Personalize your ride’ while you wait for your driver to arrive.
Note: Some drivers may not be able to accommodate your selected preferences.
Request a ride for someone else
To request a ride for someone else:
  1. Set the rider’s destination
  2. Tap 'Change rider' at the top of the screen
  3. Select a rider from your contact list
  4. The rider will be notified a ride was sent to them
Note: The app will request access to the requestor’s contacts the first time this option is selected. If the rider does not have a Lyft account, they'll receive a link via SMS message to create an account.
Note: Passengers under the age of 18 aren’t allowed to take a Lyft ride without an adult, even if an adult orders the ride for them.
How to sync contacts
An easy way to search for destinations is by syncing the addresses from your contact list. This way, you can easily find contacts’ addresses when typing their name in the drop-off field.
You can then select the contact so the address will be set as the drop-off location. You can also add or delete a contact address, and it will automatically sync with your device’s contact list. Here’s how:
  1. Tap ‘Search destination’
  2. Tap ‘Import contacts’ at the bottom of the list (this will pop-up if you haven’t yet granted access permission)
  3. Tap ‘Allow’ when prompted to give contacts list access
  4. Now your contacts should appear as search results in the drop-off field when you search by their name or address
  5. Tap a contact name to use the address as a destination
  6. You can also tap on the edit button next to the contact to add or remove an address
I'm unable to request a ride
You may receive an error message that your ride can't be requested if the following applies:
  1. Payment method needs updating
  2. Not enough funds to cover the ride cost
  3. No current drivers available in your area
  4. Your account is deleted/deactivated
  5. Connectivity issues within the app or your smartphone
To add a payment method, open the Lyft app’s menu and tap ‘Payment,’ then ‘Add payment method.’
If a payment charge or authorization fails, you won’t be able to request a ride with that payment method. For declined payments, please contact your card issuer or digital wallet customer support. Learn more about Payment authorizations.
Poor connectivity or out-of-date software can also cause issues with requesting rides. To learn more, see I'm having a problem with the app.
Lyft Family
Lyft Family allows you to link accounts with other riders. Your Family members can use a shared payment method to pay for all Lyft rides. You’ll also have access to safety features, including the ability to share ride details (driver details and location tracking).
To create or join a Lyft Family account, go to the Lyft Family home page to get started.
Note: Family members must be at least 18 years old to have a Lyft account. Passengers under the age of 18 aren’t allowed to travel alone, even if an adult holds a Lyft Family account.
See also:

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